"Pearls over Battleship Butte"
Valley of the Gods, Utah
October 14, 2023

Composite of 67 images, same camera and framing.
Canon 5d3 with EF 16-35mm f2.8L at 35mm, f2.8
ISO 200 for 6 seconds (foreground).
Sky: 66 exposures 3 minutes apart. Nisi 16.5 stop solar filter
ISO 200, f16, 1/100th seconds.
Processed in Pixelmator.
"Eclipse over Battleship Butte"
Valley of the Gods, Utah
October 14, 2023

Digital art version, Composite of 68 images.
Two foreground, solar trail moved and colorized.
Canon 5d3 with EF 16-35mm f2.8L at 35mm, f2.8
ISO 200 for 6 seconds (foreground).
Sky: 66 exposures 3 minutes apart. Nisi 16.5 stop solar filter
ISO 200, f16, 1/100th seconds.
Processed in Pixelmator.
"Ring of Fire"
Valley of the Gods, Utah
October 14, 2023

Single image.
Canon 7d2 with EF 300m f4L plus 2x
Unknown mylar solar filter,
ISO 1600, f10 for 1/125 seconds.
"Bailey's Beads"
Valley of the Gods, Utah
October 14, 2023
Single image.
Canon 7d2 with EF 300m f4L plus 2x
Unknown mylar solar filter,
ISO 1600, f10 for 1/125 seconds.