15-381 Home Page: Intro to Artificial Intelligence

Fall, 1994


Where? When?



Teaching Assistants

Class Secretary


The text for this course is Artificial Intelligence, 2nd Edition, by Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991. Copies are available for purchase in the CMU Bookstore. (The same text was used last semester, so you may be able to buy a used copy from another student.) A copy has been placed on reserve in the E&S Library.


The general schedule for the class is as follows (see the syllabus for details):
  1. September --- Problem Spaces, Search, Game Playing, and Predicate Logic
  2. October --- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  3. November/December --- Advanced Topics
The course will be team-taught by Dr. Mauldin and Dr. Nyberg. Each of the teaching assistants will teach two of the Advanced Topics classes, and there will be two sessions devoted to Robotics taught by Eric Krotkov.


Your efforts on the midterm, final, and assignments will be graded. The grades provide you with feedback on your work, as well as provide the Registrar with a letter grade. The grading breakdown will be roughly:


Task I: Search
Task II: Knowledge Representation
Task III: Robotics Lab


Midterm (Problem Spaces, Search, Game Playing, and Predicate Logic)
Final (half on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning and half on Advanced Topics)


Your assignments will involve the design and implementation of computer programs in the Common Lisp programming language. We assume that you are already familiar with Lisp. If you are unfamiliar with Lisp, you should either (1) obtain Dave Touretzky's book ``LISP: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation'' and complete it in the next week, or (2) drop the course.

Class BBoard

Official announcements will be made in class, when possible. Between classes, announcements will be posted on the Andrew bboard academic.cs.15-381.

Detailed Syllabus

Day  Chapter   Topic                         Instructor  Assignments

30-aug  1  What is AI?                       All
01-sep  2  Problem Spaces                    Mauldin

06-sep  2  Problem Spaces                    Mauldin
08-sep  3  Heuristic Search                  Mauldin     Task 1 Out

13-sep  3  Heuristic Search                  Mauldin
15-sep  3  Genetic Search                    Mauldin

20-sep 12  Game Playing                      Mauldin
22-sep 4/5 Predicate Logic                   Nyberg      Task 1 Due

27-sep  5  Using Predicate Logic             Nyberg
29-sep  5  Using Predicate Logic             Nyberg

04-oct     ******** MIDTERM EXAM ********
06-oct  6  Knowledge Representation w/ Rules Mauldin

11-oct  6  Knowledge Representation w/ Rules Nyberg
13-oct  7  Symbolic Reasoning w/Uncertainty  Mauldin

18-oct  8  Statistical Reasoning             Nyberg
20-oct     Guest Lecture                     TBA

25-oct  9  Weak Slot-and-Filler Structures   Nyberg      Task 2 Out
27-oct 10  Strong Slot-and-Filler Structures Nyberg

01-nov 11  Knowledge Representation Summary  Nyberg
03-nov 15  Natural Language Processing       Nyberg

08-nov 14  Understanding                     Ng          Task 2 Due
10-nov 13  Planning                          Ng

15-nov 17  Learning                          TBA
17-dec 16  Parallel and Distributed AI       Mauldin

22-nov 18  Connectionist Models              Redish
24-nov     ****** Thanksgiving day ******

29-nov 21  Perception and Action             Krotkov     Task 3 TBA
01-dec 21  Robotics Lab                      Krotkov

06-dec 19  Common Sense                      Redish
08-dec 20  Expert Systems                    Mauldin


As the course progresses, some of the lecture slides and other notes will be archived here.

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Last updated 07-Sep-94 by fuzzy@cmu.edu