Lycos: Results
- List of the 9,071 most frequent anchors on the Web, plus an analysis
of the average length of a Web anchor (200k, html).
- List of 338,236 URLs and their links found by Lycos (8.5meg, compressed file).
- List of 3039 WWW servers found by Lycos (198k, HTML format).
- List of 3039 WWW servers found by Lycos (198k, HTML format).
- List of 1547 FTP servers found by Lycos (113k, HTML format).
- List of 1547 FTP servers found by Lycos (113k, HTML format).
- List of 4158 Gopher servers found by Lycos (330k, HTML format).
- List of 4158 Gopher servers found by Lycos (330k, HTML format).
- List of 573 WWW Home Pages found by Lycos (58k, HTML format).
- List of 573 WWW Home Pages found by Lycos (58k, HTML format).
- 1000 most frequent words on the Web (15k).
- Words occuring more than 1 in 100,000 (39k, compressed).
- Words occuring more than 1 in million (192k, compressed).
- Full listing of frequency for 6.2 millions words on the Web (744k, compressed).
back to the Lycos Home Page.
Last updated 14-Aug-94