Team Toad: CJRC 2001

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Event Report for CJRC 2001 in Cherry Hill, NJ

Okay, we're back from the Central Jersey Robot Conflict's event held at the ShoreCon Gaming Convention in Cherry Hill, NJ over the weekend, with mixed results:

TadPole is still the reigning antweight champion, and still undefeated:

Mini-Mauler started out okay, but didn't fare as well:

Lastly, we report on a dangerous new antweight concept that was unveiled by Team Toad at CJRC: FurbyBot! Since Mini-Mauler was an alternate for CJRC, but not many people had seen it fight, we brought MM along to Cherry Hill for a demonstration match against Furby-Bot. But since MM entered the 12 pound competition brackets, that left FurbyBot missionless. Fortunately, between semifinal matches, there was an un-official antweight rumble, so Robert Everhart, son of Rob Everhart was invited to drive FurbyBot in that rumble. Robert actually toppled a couple of bots with the improvised zip-tie and angle aluminum spear, taking 4th place in the rumble.

This was the first step in an even more devious Robert wants his own antweight, so Rob will have to take precious time away from Team Halflife to build it. Muwahaha!

The new format, a round of ants, then a round of 12 pounders, kept the show moving. Thanks to Jim Goeke, Joanne Nuzzi, John Pagano, and Ed McCarron, and everyone else from NERC for a great show!

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Last updated 24-Sep-2001 Lazy Toad Ranch   Web Site contents Copyright © 2000,2001 Michael L. Mauldin