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The restaurant is gone, but we're working on a facility for occasional competitions.
Due to a lack of diners on the days between events, we've had to cease daily operation of the restaurant. We're currently searching for a location to keep the arenas assembled, and will be having events with volunteer staff. We hope to have an event on Memorial Day Weekend, May 24th. Watch this space.
(28-November-2002) We've got 50 robots registered for our Grand Opening Tournament next week. Tickets are still available...call 724-861-8611.
(26-November-2002) The Robot Club & Grille is also please to announce that we've joined forces with the Robot Fighting League, an organization of robot fighting events that promotes safety and standardization of rules.
(24-October-2002) The Lazy Toad Robot Club provides a safe place to drive your fighting robot. Last weekend we had our first event...90 robots from around the country fought to the death for fame, glory, and menu items named after their bots. Thanks to the NERC for organizing the competition, and congratulations to our winners: