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Team Toad: Metal Masher, Moab Utah

Metal Masher is a difficult Jeep trail near Moab, with great views of the Moab area.

I'd added rock sliders to the Toad Rover in 2016, and was rewarded by needed protection against some of the rocks on this trail.

Metal Masher is rare in that it has a great place to park your rig next to the sign and get a really good selfie.

Metal Masher is accessed via Gemini Bridges road, giving you a chance to see the Gooney Bird Rock on the way in and the way out. Rumor has it that driving over the toe of the Gooney Bird brings good luck.
Last updated 29-Mar-2023 Lazy Toad Ranch   Web Site contents Copyright © 2000-2023 Michael L. Mauldin